An Online Suryanamaskars Campaign for the well-being of Tribal Children in Madhya Pradesh.

An Online suryanamaskars campaign for the well-being of Tribal Children
in Madhya Pradesh.

A seven days yoga journey
Starting: 21st March- 25th March, 2022.
Time: 7 AM

Via Zoom Session by The Mindful Initiative, a yoga studio, that serves all individuals from upper management to entry-level employees by introducing the culture of mindfulness and offering tools for long-term prosperity.

Mrida Education and Welfare Society is a non-profit organization that works to uplift the tribal communities of Madhya Pradesh, India. To support 400+ children in Mrida, we are pledging 2.5 lakh Suryanamaskars in collaboration with The Mindful Initiative.

Mrida Education and Welfare Society is a non-profit organization that works to uplift the tribal communities of Madhya Pradesh, India. To support 400+ children in Mrida, we are pledging 2.5 lakh Suryanamaskars in collaboration with
The Mindful Initiative.

Via Zoom sessions conducted by The Mindful Initiative, a yoga studio, that serves all individuals from upper management to entry-level employees by introducing the culture of mindfulness and offering tools for long-term prosperity. Once you enroll for the workshop a registration link will be provided for further engagement.
Countdown to 2.5 Lakh SuryaNamaskars

roll out those yoga mats
Step 1: Commit
We encourage you
to commit to a certain number of Suryanamaskars.
Step 2: Count
Maintain this count of Suryanamaskars through the 5 days that the campaign will run for.
Step 3: Contribute
Contribute a small amount to support our work in education and sports for tribal children in Madhya Pradesh.
Step 4. Care
We are seeking to raise awareness that will help us create pathways in education, provide accommodation & food, handle medical expenses and give sports/technology training to these less privileged children.
Step 5. Cherish
Suryanamaskar is a wonderful way to rebalance your mind and body and supporting a good cause along with it, provides gratification.
From Monday 21st March-Sunday 25th March, 2022.
From Monday 21st March-
Sunday 25th March, 2022.
.... Enroll Now ....
---------------- Enroll Now ----------------
Together, let us create a community that protects and prospers.
Together, let us create a community that protects and prospers.
Donate to support the students from vulnerable tribal families to gain shelter, food, education, skills & training, employment opportunities, and to stand on their feet to in turn support their families.
*All donations to Mrida Education and Welfare Society are exempt from taxes to the extent of 50%.*
Donate to support the students from vulnerable tribal families to gain shelter, food, education, skills & training, employment opportunities, and to stand on their feet to in turn support their families.
*All donations to Mrida Education and Welfare Society are exempt from taxes to the extent of 50%.*

Frequently Asked Questions
Suryanamaskar is a way to pay regard to the Sun – the energy provider & the source of everything – the source of life, energy and vitality.
Suryanamaskar is a powerful technique to make you more mindful. It is not only a physical exercise but also a spiritual activity. When you feel overwhelmed or anxious, practising a SuryaNamaskar is a calming way to rebalance your mind and body. Along with numerous health benefits, Surya Namaskar provides a stepping stone in the direction of a healthy lifestyle. Just the act of practising in the morning sets the tone for an energetic and a positive day.
From 21st March to 25th March 2022 we will meet online via a Zoom link. We will start at 7 am . You can register by clicking on this link here for a Zoom session. Each session will be for an hour where we will practice Suryanamaskar, Pranayam, Mediation followed by a closing ceremony.
21st March-27th March, 2022.
We will meet online via Zoom. Register here
Partnering with us