Mrida has faced significant health and safety challenges arising from factors within the village and the children’s homes. These include itching, mumps and fungal infection, worsened due to the fact that our premises are used as a school during the day and hostel in the evening, also highlighting the need for dedicated hostel facilities.
These include itching, mumps and fungal infection, worsened due to the fact that our premises are used as a school during the day and hostel in the evening, also highlighting the need for dedicated hostel facilities.

Despite these challenges, we have been successful in ensuring that all children in our residential program are officially anaemia-free, a significant milestone in our mission to combat malnutrition and anaemia in the region. This achievement results from our multi-pronged approach focusing on nutrition, physical fitness and monitoring of HB levels, to address critical health challenges in areas with high rates of sickle cell anaemia and among impoverished tribal communities.

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