Lights, Football, Action!

April Full of Football

NVFA Visits Minerva Punjab FC

I am so thankful that you take the time to read my monthly anecdotes. I would like to say that it has been equally rewarding for me, almost like a zen ritual to sit down and write to you every month. It gives me a few minutes to recollect the events, recognize the growth paths, reason out failures and renew my efforts of nurturing our children at Mrida.

This April, our boys’ football team of Narmada Valley Football Academy (NVFA) went to Chandigarh, the mecca of football temple in North India, for practice matches & learning sessions with Minerva Academy FC, the 2022 Mina Cup winners.
They say, don’t practice what you know, practice what you don’t know. During this tour, our children surely experienced this. They know their game well, but playing with an I-league club gave them an insight into what it is like to play as an international team.
This trip gave them wonderment, and motivation in abundance. Though our team lost 2-1 and 1-0, the experience was beyond par, and a necessary step towards the development of the Narmada Valley Football Club, which launches soon.

Narmada Valley FC

Yes, you read that right, “NARMADA VALLEY FOOTBALL CLUB.”
This is a step towards integrating our academy children into mainstream football tournaments from where they can learn and build their own professional ladder as footballers. 

Girl's Football Team

Later in the month, we had a girls’ scouting camp where 63 girls participated who came from 10-13 villages across the Mandla district of Madhya Pradesh. It gave me such a sense of pride to witness this sight. The youngest girl who came was about 5 years old. In this same region, only a decade ago I could only spot small girls carrying earthen pots on their heads. Today, there were 63 girls from the age of 5 to 14 in the Riverside Natural School’s compound practicing high jump, long jump, running 50 meters, and dribbling a football. So proud!

Scouting Football Players

I urge you to watch the below video. You will see the passion, spirit, and new age of rural India. While you are on our YouTube Channel, please subscribe to our channel for regular notifications. We are now also on Instagram do follow us at @mridaeducationws for behind the scenes.

Once again, thank you for reading. Until next month. Take Care.
Priya Nadkarni

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