Genuine Narratives, Genuine Change
FCRA Registration Number: 063310094

“Every act of charity, every thought of sympathy, every action of help, every good deed, is taking so much of self-importance away from our little selves and making us think of ourselves as the lowest and the least, and, therefore, it is all good. Here we find that Jnâna, Bhakti, and Karma – all come to one point.” – Swami Vivekananda
Your valuable donations are making a difference in the lives of people across the tribal regions of Mandla, Madhya Pradesh, India. Each contribution extends beyond the individual, fostering growth within entire communities. Delve into the uplifting stories of those who have experienced positive transformations through education, health initiatives, and essential support.
Following are the few ways you can support us:
- Companies whose employees have a matching donation available on the Benevity portal can help with that.
- You can also send financial assistance to Mrida’s FCRA bank account.
- You can sponsor meals for the children.
- You can help by accepting children’s educational parenting.
- You can volunteer to teach
- You can give them daily necessities or pay their expenses.